Why healthy food is important ?

A balanced diet helps you maintain good health throughout your life and reduces the risks of developing chronic health conditions and diseases. When you have a poor diet, you function at less optimal levels and may experience bouts of infection, fatigue, brain fog or other health conditions. Some of the leading causes of death including heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, cancer as well as stroke.

1. What we consume gives our bodies with all of the nutrients they require. This gives our bodies the energy they need to go through the day and all of these nutrients come entirely from good food, not from anything else we eat.

2. Healthy eating is required to trigger the growth hormones that will progressively raise our height as we mature.

3. Healthy diet is also required for our system to work properly. All of the nutrients produced from good diet cause body cells and brain cells to activate all fulfill their functions.

4. Healthy diet boosts your immune system, making you les susceptibl to illness. A robust immune system battles all disease-causing germs and viruses.

5. It is often encouraged that we reduce our intake of fat. This is sometimes misinterpreted as avoiding even beneficial fats. Saturated and trans fats are two types of harmful fats that should be avoided. Monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids as well as proteins and vitamins are crucial to human health. These fats are stored inside skin cells and converted into energy for physical and mental tasks. It is essential that we incorporate them into our everyday diet.
Healthy eating could help you to keep your body stay in shape without falling into the horrible trap of weight gain or obesity.

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