Unhealthy Food

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Harvard nutrition specialists recently included these list of harmful ingredients to avoid. According to studies, consuming certain items on a regular basis and at the expense of healthy options can built the scene for life-threatening conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even cancer.

Added sugar includes practically no nutrition and is pure carbohydrate whether it's white granulated sugar, brown sugar or honey. When you consume a lot of sugar, you are consuming empty calories causing your blood sugar to spike and fall like a roller coaster and prevent you from eating meals rich in nutrients and fibre.

⋆Research cites soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages as the primary source of added sugar in the diet and a major contributor to weight gain. Furthermore, with just one extra 12-ounce can of a typical sweetened beverage a day can add on 15 pounds in a year.

Baked sweets like cookies, snack, cakes, doughnuts, pastries and many other treats are hard to pass up but these commercially prepared versions are packed with processed carbohydrates, added sugar, unhealthy fats and often salt.

White carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, cookies, cake or pancakes

Processed and high-fat meats like bacon, ham, pepperoni, hot dogs and many lunch meats are less healthy than protein from fish, skinless chicken, nuts, beans, soy and whole grains.

Salts. Your body needs a certain amount of sodium but too much of sodium can increase blood pressure and the risk of heart disease and stroke.

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